Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA)
MRA is the largest private funder of melanoma research. To date, MRA has awarded more than $38 million to 96 research programs to make transforming advances in the prevention, diagnosis and staging, and treatment of melanoma, including research in biological causes of carcinogenesis, skin screening, biomarkers, imaging, immunotherapy, molecularly targeted therapy, and combination therapy.
Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF)
The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is the largest independent, national organization devoted to melanoma in the United States. Committed to the support of medical research in finding effective treatments and eventually a cure for melanoma, the MRF also educates patients and physicians about prevention, diagnosis and the treatment of melanoma.
AIM's mission is to increase support for melanoma research; to promote prevention and education among the general public and medical professionals; and to provide comprehensive and easily accessible melanoma resources for patients, survivors, and caregivers.
American Melanoma Foundation (AMF)
The American Melanoma Foundation or AMF (originally known as the Merlin Foundation) was founded in Southern California in 1990 by a group of melanoma patients and their relatives who believed in the importance and ever-growing need for support of specific research for new treatment approaches in melanoma, one of the most serious of all cancers.
Founded in 1987, American Skin Association works to defeat melanoma and other serious forms of skin disease by: Advancing research, Raising public awareness and Championing good skin health - particularly among children.
Cancer Clinical Trials and Stand Up To Cancer Advances in cancer research are the result of painstaking scientific experiments and discoveries made in the laboratory and the clinic, tested for safety and effectiveness at each stage of the process. These stages of research are called "clinical trials" and are conducted in all research areas from preventing cancer in the first place to developing new treatments for people with cancer.
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
The American Society of Clinical Oncology is a non-profit organization founded in 1964 with the overarching goals of improving cancer care and prevention. Nearly 30,000 oncology practitioners belong to ASCO, representing all oncology disciplines and subspecialties. Members include physicians and health-care professionals in all levels of the practice of oncology.